Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hold The Presses!!!

As any good professional journalist (or small-time blogger who writes obsessively about dogs) knows, it is important to admit mistakes and make corrections to your publicized work whenever possible.

This is what a professional dog-blogger looks like

So it is with the utmost apologies that blog to you now about why Tybee Island is not, in fact, a totally un-dog-friendly place. I make this concession to you with a huge smile on my face, since I want nothing more in the world than to let Barksdale run free on the beaches on Savannah, and every little step toward making that a reality is welcomed with open arms.

This past Saturday night, John and I decided to mix things up a bit and take a drive out to Tybee for dinner. We brought BD (because what's date night without having a slobbering 70 lbs mutt drooling on your feet while you eat dinner?!) and headed out to Sting Ray's, located right on the main strip on the Island.  John and I have a special connection to Sting Ray's since it was one of the first places we ever ate dinner in Savannah and one of the few places on the Island that allow dogs. They have good food (including a veggie burger, hooray!), play fun live music, and best of all, have these amazing water-misters out on the deck to make the summer nights bearable. So off we went.

Once we got there, we saw that we were not the only ones with this fantastic idea of a fun Saturday night. The place was packed, and we were told we'd have an hour wait for a table! This was a big bummer because, as previously mentioned here, Tybee doesn't have many other restaurants that allow dogs.

Enter: Social Club.

This place came out of nowhere. As soon as we turned our disappointed backs on Sting Ray's, we noticed a restaurant that we'd never seen before. Up until recently, this site had been home to Cousin Vinniy's Pizza (a pretty mediocre pizza place that John and I once went to because how can you not go to a restaurant with a name that ridiculous), and the place was vacant the last time we had been on Tybee. But now in that spot stood a freshly painted restaurant with a giant outside deck, a soulful guitarists, and a sign out front enticing us with the promise of "hibiscus martinis".

John, BD, and I looked at each other a ran for a table.

Not only does this place LOVE DOGS (we were approached by no less than 6 different people asking us if they could pet BD while we were there [4 of them were staff]), but the food was good, the atmosphere was relaxing, and the staff were professional, friendly, and efficient. It's about time we had a place like this on Tybee!!

If this restaurant was located in downtown Savannah, it would be up against some pretty tough competition. But since it's a welcomed haven in an otherwise pretty barren landscape, I'm going to give Social Club 3.5 bones (out of 4). As any new restaurant, this place still has a few kinks to work out. But after such an unexpected enjoyable night, I predict that the three of us will be back within a few weeks.

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