Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Puppy Pops for all!

It's rare that a day goes by that John and I will refrain from listing all of the reasons that we love living in Savannah. For example, this morning during our "commute" to the "office" in the middle of "rush hour" (the quotation marks are to let you know that I'm being sarcastic), John and I stopped off at our favorite drive-through Starbucks and couldn't help but remark at how much our day-to-day has improved since we made the move down here. No longer do we face 12 hour work days in a windowless office, or 30 minute commutes on boring highways, or weekends full of errand catch-up. 

And there is only one guy who appreciates the massive improvement in our quality of life even more than me or John...

You guessed it!

But there is one thing that everyone in this family misses dearly about living in the DC area, and that is -- The Dairy Godmother.

Not only did this place offer the best frozen custard flavors, but it also had homemade Puppy Pops, which, as you can probably guess, were quite popular with you-know-who.

I'm pretty sure that Puppy Pops were nothing more than frozen yogurt, peanut butter, and either banana or pumpkin all mashed up together and frozen. But the way that BD would inhale one made me wonder if they didn't add a little ground beef in there too.

Since moving to Savannah we haven't found any Dairy Godmother equivalent and alas, our spoiled dog has had to face a summer without specially made doggie ice cream! GASP!

When we were in Atlanta last week I saw these on the shelf:
I can't pretend that I wasn't excited when I first thought that we might be able to have a Puppy Pop equivalent here in Georgia. But upon further inspection, I realized that as much as I wanted them to be, they weren't my beloved Puppy Pop and never would be.

I'm tempted to start to make them myself, and if I do, I'll be sure to let all of the Savannahians know so that your dogs can experience the joy that is the Puppy Pop.

And in related news... La'Berry, a brand new frozen yogurt shop, opened its doors at 225 W. Broughton Street last week! John and I went in for a free sample the other day and we both really enjoyed what we tried (I had the Taro, he had the Blueberry). It may not be the Dairy Godmother, but I'd happily take a second-rate frozen yogurt in the world's best city any day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Found your blog when searching for Savannah and dogs since we are preparing to move there with our two dogs.
    BD is adorable and I see he is as spoiled as my dogs. Both of which are curled up on the sofa with me right now sleeping.
    We've had frozen pup pops before bug they don't sound half as great as Dairy Godmothers.
    Thanks for all this great information! We aren't big dog park people either though our dogs do like it.
